Northeast Wildflower Seed Mix
The Northeast Wildflower Seed Mix is a must-have for gardeners in the northeastern United States, from Maine down to Maryland. It contains a total of 23 easy-to-grow annual and perennial favorites that are perfectly suited for the region including Wild Cosmos, Coreopsis, Gloriosa Daisy, Blanketflower and so many more. The mix features annual and perennial wildflowers. The Northeast mix is hard working and will produce a gorgeous display of colorful blooms without needing much of your attention or time. Once you’ve prepared your soil and sowed the seed, Mother Nature will guide the way! You can expect to receive 100% pure seed with zero fillers. Many of the varieties are pollinators and will attract birds, bees and butterflies to your landscape.
This item may be considered invasive in specific areas of the USA. Please check with your local agricultural office for more information.