Cabbage Seeds ‘Duncan F1’
- F1 generation hybrid vigou
- Compact, pointed heads
- Crisp leaves with a sweet, nutty flavour
- Fast-growing
- Ideal for successional planting
Cabbage ‘Duncan’ is a fast-growing variety, producing compact pointed heads of crisp leaves with a sweet nutty flavour. This versatile vegetable is perfect for growing in small spaces. Successional sowings will give long-standing hearts through summer to October, leafy greens from October to March and hearted spring cabbages through to June.
A row of cabbage Duncan will also act as a great windbreak to nearby tender crops or companion bedding nearby of marigolds or alyssum. Nothing beats cabbages as far as versatility is concerned. With ballheaded, red, green and savoy, they have so many uses in the kitchen both in cooking and salads, making them the perfect home-grown crop.