Kale Seeds ‘Cavolo Nero’
- Crinkled green-black leaves
- Superb flavour
- Hardy and disease-resistant
- Harvest all through winter
Black kale (Cavolo Nero) is much in demand for its tasty crinkled green-black leaves, packed with health-giving vitamins and minerals. This hardy, disease-resistant crop is easy to grow and can be harvested through winter – pick the leaves young as baby leaf or leave to mature. It’s delicious steamed or stir-fried. Cover plants with fleece or netting to protect against birds.
Sow indoors
Sow in a pre-watered seed tray or modules. Place in warmth 10-15°C (50-60°F).
Plant out
Plant out in rows 45cm (18in) apart and 30-35cm (12-14in) between plants in required harvest position.
Sow outdoors
Sow in pre-watered rows.
Harvest individual leaves from plants when big enough and cut the head in late autumn to encourage tender side shoots. Young leaves can be used in salads or harvested en masse for soups, steaming or braising.