Autumn Planting Onions ‘Akado’ & ‘Senshyu Yellow’
Delicious tasting red and white onion duo. Includes approximately 65-75 sets of each variety.
Onion Akado (approx. 65-75 Sets):
Hardy, high yielding onion ‘Akado’ is ideal for autumn planting, producing a good crop of red onions in June and July of the following year. These tasty onions have a superb sweet flavour that works equally well in salads and cooked dishes.
Onion Senshyu Yellow (approx. 65-75 Sets):
This Senshyu Yellow Onion is a well-known Japanese variety perfect for winter growing. It yields high-quality, plentiful crops of straw-coloured, semi-globe shaped bulbs with a pleasantly mild taste, making it a top choice among growers.