Brassica Clubroot Resistant Collection x 32 Plants
The only way you can guarantee disease-free and great-tasting cabbages and greens is by growing resistant varieties – and now we have the perfect resistant collection for you.
Here is a a quartet of your favourite brassicas that are clubroot-resistant, guaranteeing you good harvests.
Clubroot is a fungal infection that causes the roots to swell affecting the water uptake to the plant, causing severely stunted growth- ruining your well-deserved crops.
The fungus that causes this infection can survive in the soil for up to 15 years – so even crop rotation is not a viable solution.
The collection consists of 32 plants, eight of each variety:
8 x Cabbage Kilaton– Keeps its colour for longer and stores for long periods in a cool dry place like a waterproof shed. Harvest: October – January.
8 x Cauliflower Clapton- Takes up less space with its upright growth and produces well-protected dense white curds. Harvest: August – October.
8 x Brussels Sprout Crispus- Naturally vigorous in growth and stands well in the ground. The small tight buttons are dark green with good flavour. A great pre-requisite to the Christmas period. Harvest: September – November.
8 x Broccoli Komodo– produces dense deep-green heads of calabrese which are formed on a compact plant. Harvest: July – October.