Brussel Sprout ‘Flower Sprout F1’ Hybrid
- New flowering brussels
- Brilliant purple colour
- Extremely winter hardy
Grow the exciting new flowering Brussels sprout (the Flower Sprout) in your own garden for its buttons with fantastic texture. The clever breeders took 10 years to breed this cross of curly kale with Brussels sprout to create a brand new vegetable and now it’s available to you.
It has a sprout-like plant habit, a tall stem with little purple and green rosettes (looking like miniature cabbages) forming all the way up to a frilly-leaved top. The purple colour and flavour intensifies as the weather turns colder.
Brussels ‘Flower Sprout’ is extremely winter-hardy, with a similar cropping time to sprouts but with a flavour more like spring greens. The loose buttons are easy to pick and it makes an ideal winter vegetable and it’s perfect in the kitchen steamed or stir fried – or indeed as a tasty ingredient in bubble and squeak.
Keep an eye on sprout stems during winter. We recommend you stake the extra tall ones as we do on the nursery to keep them upright and productive.