Carrot Seeds ‘Autumn King 2’ Vita Longa
- Excellent colour and flavour
- Long roots with small cores
- Very hardy
- Stores well in the ground
Carrot Autumn King 2 Vita Longa is a top-quality selection of the popular Carrot ‘Autumn King’, producing good crops of long, heavy roots with small cores. Prized for their superb colour and flavour, these hardy carrots can be harvested well into winter, and last well in the ground until needed.
Sow outdoors
Sow thinly 1cm (1/2in) deep in shallow pre-watered drills, in soil that hasn’t been manured in the last 12 months. Keep soil moist at all times. Thin to 5-8cm (2-3in) apart. Avoid crushing the leaves as the scent attracts carrot root fly.
Carrots do best on light, stone-free, fertile soils. Use fleece to keep low-flying carrot root fly from your crop. Roots store well if cleaned and packed in boxed of dry sand or compost.