Cauliflower ‘Clemen’ – 12 Seedlings
Grow this mid-winter cauliflower for rewarding spring harvests of healthy heads full of edible white curds. Cauliflowers are fantastically versatile and Clemen is no exception. It’s an F1 hybrid too so naturally shows great vigour.
At harvest time in March and April, the whiteheads present themselves well, so they’re easy to see, cut, and remove.
Clemen has proved to be very winter-hardy, capable of withstanding frost and snow- so no need to worry about its fate in the winter months.
Before planting, incorporate bulky compost or manure into the soil, to both increase the nutrient levels in the soil and improve the soil texture to give Clemen the best start.
Space Super Seedlings at 75cm (30in) apart in summer to a sunny position.
Cauliflowers are hungry as they are thirsty, so will appreciate moist, fertile soil. Throughout summer, keep removing surrounding weeds, so ‘Clemen’ gets the maximum water, light, and nutrients from the soil. It will then reward you with healthy white heads the following spring.