Cordon Tomato ‘Sungold’ 3 Plugs – Early May Despatch
- Generous tomato vines
- Sweet and juicy
- Home grower favourite
A cordon-type tomato that’s a joy to grow in your greenhouse. A large number of tomatoes and the satisfying pleasant aroma of tomato plants will fill your greenhouse even from just three plants.
The high sugar content guarantees sweet, juicy, succulent fruit. Sungold adds an interesting and very tasty dimension to summer salads with its bright orange to golden yellow hues. Growing cherry tomato Sungold gives you returns on the sheer number of tomatoes you get from every truss of every plant. So avoid the pricy punnets of this top-end variety at the supermarket.
We recommend that you feed your tomato Sungold plants as soon as you see them coming into flower. A liquid feed such as Gro-Sure Tomato Food will work wonders with its high-potash content which boost flower and fruit growth.
How you will receive your plants:
Selected by our team of experts and sent from our nursery, you will receive your plant in a 9cm pot, ready to plant out once all risk of frost is past.
Can’t plant straight away?
Place in a sheltered frost-free environment and water regularly to keep the compost moist
Once the frosts are over, harden the plants off for at least a week before planting out by placing them outdoors during the day and bringing them back indoors at night.
Planting tips and hints:
Dig a hole approximately twice as deep and 3 times as wide as the plant’s rootball. If your soil is heavy mix in a soil improver before backfilling. Place the plant in the hole so that it sits at the same level in the ground as it did in the pot. Firm the soil around the plant and water thoroughly. When planting in a container, use a good quality multipurpose compost.
Click here to view our full Tomato growing guide.
*Planting and flowering months below are subject to seasonal weather conditions.