Filbert Corylus maxima ‘Hall’s Giant’ – 3 Ltr
Halls Giant has a very large pointy nut, it has a glossy brown shell, excellent flavour and it very resistant to nut gall mite. This is considered hardy and vigorous and you can expect this tree to cope with extremely poor weather conditions.
It is best grown in a sheltered and also well drained site. The variety has a distinctive red tinge to its catkins which give it an ornamental quality. You can expect nuts to be available from August through to early September.
The Halls Giant Hazelnut originates from France, it makes up the majority of French orchards, this Is because of its heavy cropping and it’s extremely reliable nature.
Halls Giant is technically self-fertile but the pollen is spread on hazelnut trees by the winds which means you have to rely on the wind carrying pollen from one part of the tree to another. You can expect a reasonable crop by having just one tree and leaving it to its own devices.
You have higher chances of getting a very heavy nut crop if you have a planting partner for the tree. If you are planting more than one Halls Giant then you must ensure that you leave a gap of at least 2.5 meters between trees.
Rootstock: It’s Own
Flowering Group: Self-Fertile
Years until fruiting from planting: 2-4
Age of tree at despatch: 2
Height at full growth: 3m/10ft
In order to ensure a good pollination pick fruit trees from within the same or from adjacent flowering groups.
The vast majority of the trees we ship have been pruned and will appear trimmed.