Green Manure Seeds ‘Caliente Mustard’
Caliente Mustard Seed is not just a green manure – it also acts as a bio-fumigant for the soil. Bio-fumigants suppress various soil-borne pests and diseases by releasing naturally occurring compounds.
The foliage must be crushed or finely chopped for it to release a natural gas (isothiocyanate) which effectively reduces and suppresses a range of harmful nematodes and diseases in the any type of soil.
The combination of bio-fumigation plus the digging in of the green material, increases beneficial soil microbes, which out-compete pathogen microbes helping to keep soil diseases down.
The finer the chop the better the result, running over the area with a rotary mower or strimmer to chop well before digging in to the top 6 inches of soil is a simple way of incorporating the crop.
The benefits of use for the home gardener for most crop and soil types are:
- Improved root systems and a measurable increase in yield of following crops.
- Suppression of a range of soil-borne diseases including Verticillium wilt, Rhizoctonia, Pythium, Fusarium, and Sclerotinia.
- Suppresses a range of harmful nematode species.
- Improved soil structure and fertility.
- Suppresses weeds – mainly soft-seeded annuals – soon after incorporation.
Caliente Mustard can be sown in spring or late summer for a quick crop, or mid-autumn for over-wintering in milder areas. One pack will cover: 70sq yards / 58sq metres