Gro-Sure Smart Lawn Seed 250sqm
- For a strong, healthy lawn in hot and dry conditions
- For lush green grass in shady conditions
- Worn areas and bare patches
- Reduces seed losses due to erratic watering
- Covers 250sqm
- Also available in 25sqm 40sqm and 80sqm
Gro-Sure Smart Lawn Seed 250sqm is a unique blend of hard wearing lawn seed varieties that’s perfect for overseeding worn grass or filling in patches.
For improved germination, seeds are treated with Aqua Gel technology. Aqua Gel absorbs 400x its weight in water, and slowly releases water back to the seeds to help with germination. Aqua Gel is also an excellent bird deterrent as well as containing plant hormones to stimulate growth.
Gro-Sure Smart Lawn seed is ideal for sowing a new lawn or to overseed an existing lawn.
How to use
- Apply April to September
- New Lawn (or Patch Repair): 40g/m2
- Revitalising Existing Lawn: 30g/m2
For orders of 3 bags or more additional delivery charges will apply. Click here for more information.