Kale Seeds ‘Dwarf Green Curled’
- Ornamental and tasty
- Pick when young or mature
- Resistant to UK weather
This much-loved, compact curly kale is a weather-resistant crops, withstanding strong winds and grows in poor soils. Kale Dwarf Green Curled gives you ornamental, dark, frilled leaves in top condition. Like all kale this variety is particularly hardy, coping with the worst of our UK weather.
Kale Dwarf Green Curled is a popular heritage variety. It can be enjoyed raw when picked young for salads, or when matured. After a touch of frost the leaves are intensified with flavour.
This is a non-bitter kale growing to a manageable height; it requires no support and is perfect for growing in containers or a raised trug.
This is a fantastic crop to grow after legumes like peas or beans on account of the raised nitrogen content in the soil generated by your legumes.