Lettuce Seeds ‘Iceberg 3’
- Iceberg lettuce
- Harvest from summer to late autumn
- Ideal for salads
Lettuce ‘Iceberg 3’ is a late variety of the ever-popular Iceberg lettuce forming large tight heads of crunchy pale green leaves. Delicious in salads.
Sow indoors
January-July: Sow seeds thinly 1cm (1⁄2in) deep in clean trays or modules of firm pre-watered compost. Place in warmth 10-15°C (50-60°F) and keep moist.
Sow outdoors
March-August: Sow seeds thinly 1cm (1⁄2in) deep directly in harvest location. Keep soil moist at all times. Thin to 25cm (10in) apart.
Plant out
February-August: Plant out into the required harvest position 25cm (10in) apart with 30cm (12in) between each row when plants have 3-4 true leaves.
Keep well watered. Use thinnings as baby leaf. Small sowings made every 3 weeks will ensure a continuous supply.