Parsnip Seeds ‘Gladiator’ F1
- The world’s first hybrid parsnip.
- An aesthetically-perfect parsnip
- Great disease resistance
- Packed with a lovely sweet flavour
The Parsnip gladiator is the world’s first hybrid parsnip. It has been bred with the special intention of having the ability to establish and grow vigorously. If you have grown Gladiator before you will already be aware of its consistency and trouble free habits. If it is your first time then it is a fantastic opportunity to grow a real winner.
Loved by exhibitors as it’s known for its blemish free smooth white skin and a refined shape. The high quality roots that accompany this hybrid when growing ensure that it is quick to establish bringing a deliciously sweet earthy flavour to your dinner plate.
Plant your parsnip gladiator seeds directly in its harvest location from February through to May. Plant in rows approximately 30cm (12in) apart. 1cm (1/2in) deep into the ground. Ensure that you do not allow soul to dry out prior to the emergence of your seeds. Your crops can remain in the ground for a long period of time until you need them.