Phlox Seeds ‘Moody Blues’
- A stunning mix of colours with great variation
- Perfect for creating a country garden look
- Creates stunning beds and borders
- Loved by wildlife such as bees and butterflies
Phlox Moody blues in our opinion is far from moody at all. It is a beautiful mix of rich colour with wonderful shades. Perfect for filling your borders and beds and filling gaps. Because of its bushy habit it is fantastic at filling and making a border look thick and dense.
Due to its max height of around 30cm, we recommend that you plant moody blues at the front to the middle of your bed. Moody blues will respond well in full sun to partial sun.
Moody Blues is not all about beds. It also looks incredible in pots, even planted alone. Imagine the spectacle it creates with rich blues erupting from your terracotta pots in your garden.
You will also notice an increase in wildlife visiting your garden with Phlox moody blues as they are loved by wildlife such as butterflies and bees.