Rocket Seeds ‘Athena’
- Rich in vitamin C and calcium
- Long-harvest period
- Effective catch-crop
Get seeds of Rocket Athena. Athena’s masses of succulent, serrated leaves pack a peppery punch and with a controlled growth rate it’s unlikely bolt to seed.
Ready to harvest in the space of just one month or so rocket Athena supplies you with an on-going crop of leaves from as early as May to the end of September. This means you need not pick up expensive polythene bags of rocket from the supermarket; great news for making savings and cutting down on plastic use.
How to sow
Sow indoors in March and April 1cm (1/2in) deep in clean trays or individual pots filled with moist, firm compost. Place somewhere that reaches 10°C (50°F) until transplanting. Keep soil moist at all time.
Alternatively sow outdoors from May to September 1cm (1/2in) deep on a moist seed bed on a prepared part of your vegetable plot or in a raised planter like a VegTrug. Thin out 10cm (4in) apart.
We recommend that you sow the seeds of rocket Athena little and often so you can ascertain a constant supply of edible leave throughout the spring and summer. Sow a new row every two weeks, thinning out to give them space to develop.
Rocket Athena makes a great catch-crop while you’re waiting for other long-term crops to develop. While you are waiting to harvest your onions in summer or summer cabbage, you can take advantage of this faster-growing salad crop.