Tomato Seeds ‘Ailsa Craig’
A good all purpose variety producing medium sized fruit of exceptionally fine flavour and good deep colour. Vigorous growing and suitable for both indoor and outdoor growing.
Sowing seeds
Fill a 6-9cm pot or individual modules with seed compost – which is light and contains a small but balance level of nutrients in the soil. Fill to leave a gap at the top of about 1cm (1/2in).
Submerge the pots or module trays into a tray of water beneath so that the soil slowly absorbs the moisture from the bottom without disturbing the soil on top.
Press the seed/s into the soil to a depth of about 2cm using a dibber or pencil.
Water above with a fine hose and add fungicide to the first watering to guard against the disease called damping off.
Cover the seeds with more of the seed-compost.
Label and date the seeds and place in a cool light place.
Please note – These seeds should ideally be sown this season. All our packets have ‘Sow by Date’ guidance on them, this is the date the seeds should be sown in order to achieve the highest rate of germination. You will still see the same high-quality plants if sowing in seasons after the ‘Sow by Date’ but may see a reduction in germination rate