Tomato ‘Sweetest Collection’ – Early May Despatch
- Three of the sweetest cherry tomatoes you’ll ever taste
- Exceptionally high yielding
- The perfect way to grow your own crops
Enjoy the sweet taste of your very own tomato crops with this Tomato Sweetest Collection. Includes three mouth-watering varieties, renowned for their sweet, delicious flavours and high-yielding potential.
Tomato ‘Honeycomb’ produces cherry-sized, golden-orange fruits with an exquisite flavour and a delightful, honey-like aftertaste. These exceptional tomatoes will grow elegantly on long trusses.
Tomato ‘Sweet Million’ Hanker after sweet and immune-boosting cherry tomatoes all summer but don’t want to pay the price of expensive punnets from the supermarket? – simple, just grow cherry tomato Sweet Million on your own plot
Tomato ‘Sungold’ is a deliciously sweet cordon variety with colours ranging from bright orange to golden yellow. This will add an interesting and very tasty dimension to summer salads.